Dec 18, 2024 07:14:05
Číslo 4/93 Fytlakova vášeň
Auction type: Buy Now Only
Quantity Available: 1
Seller location: Czechia
Ends within: 6 days, 21 hours
(2024-12-25 04:57)
Postage: Free - Standard inland: 3 to 7 days
Estimated Delivery Date: Thu 26th of December - Wed 1st of January
International shipping: 0.00 GBP - International Standard: 5 - 21 days Ceska posta
Estimated International Delivery Date: Mon 30th of December - Tue 21st of January
Buy Now:

£12.63 GBP Buy Now

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  • Member since 15/10/2018
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Item description

Číslo 4/93 Fytlakova vášeň

This magazine is available only in Czech language. The translated descriptions provided are for the listing only.

This listing is for a copy of Fytlakova Vasen issue 4/93 in very good condition. While there are some light marks and scuffs, overall it is in fantastic condition. Please refer to the provided pictures for a visual representation.

Inside this issue, readers will discover a rich tapestry of passionate prose, poetry, and thought-provoking articles. Explore the depths of human emotions, desires, and yearnings through the evocative writings of talented authors and poets. Whether you're a collector or simply seeking literary inspiration, this issue of Fytlakova Vasen promises to ignite your passion for the written word.

Tato nabídka je pro výtisk časopisu Fytlakova vášeň číslo 4/93 ve velmi dobrém stavu. I když jsou zde nÄ›jaké lehké známky a škrábance, celkovÄ› je ve fantastickém stavu. Pro vizuální reprezentaci se prosím podívejte na pÅ™iložené obrázky.

V tomto čísle čtenáÅ™i objeví bohatou mozaiku vášnivých próz, básní a podnÄ›tných článků. Prozkoumejte hlubiny lidských emocí, touhy a tužeb prostÅ™ednictvím sugestivního psaní talentovaných autorů a básníků. AÅ¥ už jste sbÄ›ratel nebo jednoduše hledáte literární inspiraci, toto číslo Fytlakova vášeň slibuje rozdmýchání vaší vášnÄ› pro slovo psané.

Product Specifics

Condition: Pre-owned: Good
Barcode: (EAN-13)
Width: 21cm
Height: 0.4cm
Length: 30cm
Weight: 0.2kg

Additional Information

Seller location:Brno, 61800, Czechia
Shipping conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, International shipping

Payment methods: PayPal, Bitcoin, Other Crypto (contact seller or check description)

Auction started: 2024-09-26 06:57
Auction ends: 2024-12-25 04:57
Auction ID: 3396

Item category: All > Books & Ebooks > Entertainment

Second Category: All > Comics, Cards & Sci-Fi > General