Mar 7, 2025 02:23:35
Dobrodružný Víkend Číslo 44
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Quantity Available: 1
Seller location: Czechia
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(2025-03-23 07:12)
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Estimated Delivery Date: Mon 17th of March - Fri 21st of March
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£10.91 GBP Buy Now

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Item description

Dobrodružný Víkend Číslo 44

  • Along with the featured story "A Gentleman with a Past," this issue includes other exciting articles, such as travel adventures, historical insights, and possibly interviews with notable personalities.
  • Readers can expect thrilling narratives, stunning visuals, and thought-provoking insights into various topics related to adventure, exploration, and intrigue.
  • The magazine may feature sections dedicated to outdoor activities, survival tips, and recommendations for adventurous pursuits.
  • Expect a diverse range of content that caters to readers interested in exploring the world, uncovering mysteries, and experiencing thrilling escapades.


  • Exclusive interviews with adventurers, explorers, or individuals with remarkable life experiences.
  • Travel guides or recommendations for off-the-beaten-path destinations.
  • Exciting tales of exploration, discovery, and overcoming challenges in different parts of the world.
  • Beautifully illustrated sections showcasing breathtaking landscapes, wildlife, and cultural phenomena.


  • Publisher/Vydavatel: [Insert Publisher Name/ Vložte jméno vydavatele]
  • Publication Date/Datum vydání: [Insert Publication Date/ Vložte datum vydání]
  • Pages/Stránky: [Insert Number of Pages/ Vložte počet stránek]
  • Dimensions/RozmÄ›ry: [Insert Dimensions/ Vložte rozmÄ›ry]
  • Language/Jazyk: Czech/ÄŒeský


  • This issue may be available for purchase at bookstores, newsstands, or online retailers specializing in magazines.
  • Readers can also explore subscription options to receive regular issues of Dobrodružný Víkend delivered to their doorstep.


  • Readers are guaranteed to embark on an exciting journey filled with adventure, mystery, and discovery with every issue of Dobrodružný Víkend.


  • Availability and content may vary based on location and distribution channels. Please check with local retailers or the publisher for the most accurate information.
  • KromÄ› hlavního pÅ™íbÄ›hu "Gentleman s minulostí" tento časopis obsahuje i další vzrušující články, jako jsou cestovatelské dobrodružství, historické poznatky a možná rozhovory s významnými osobnostmi.
  • ÄŒtenáÅ™i se mohou tÄ›šit na napínavé vyprávÄ›ní, úchvatné vizuální prvky a pÅ™emýšlivé poznatky o různých tématech souvisejících s dobrodružstvím, objevováním a intrikou.
  • ÄŒasopis může obsahovat sekce vÄ›nované venkovním aktivitám, tipy na pÅ™ežití a doporučení pro dobrodružné aktivity.
  • Očekávejte širokou škálu obsahu, která osloví čtenáÅ™e, kteÅ™í mají zájem o průzkum svÄ›ta, odhalování tajemství a zažívání vzrušujících dobrodružství.
  • Exkluzivní rozhovory s dobrodruhy, objeviteli nebo jednotlivci s pozoruhodnými životními zkušenostmi.
  • Průvodci cestování nebo doporučení pro neobvyklé destinace.
  • Vzrušující pÅ™íbÄ›hy o průzkumu, objevování a pÅ™ekonávání výzev v různých částech svÄ›ta.
  • KrásnÄ› ilustrované sekce pÅ™edstavující dechberoucí krajiny, divokou pÅ™írodu a kulturní fenomény.

  • Vydavatel: [Vložte jméno vydavatele]
  • Datum vydání: [Vložte datum vydání]
  • Stránky: [Vložte počet stránek]
  • RozmÄ›ry: [Vložte rozmÄ›ry]
  • Jazyk: ÄŒeština
  • Toto vydání může být k dostání v knihkupectvích, stáncích nebo online obchodech specializujících se na časopisy.
  • ÄŒtenáÅ™i si také mohou prohlédnout možnosti pÅ™edplatného a získat pravidelná vydání Dobrodružného Víkendu pÅ™ímo do schránky.
  • ÄŒtenáÅ™i jsou zaručeni, že se s každým vydáním Dobrodružného Víkendu vydají na vzrušující cestu plnou dobrodružství, tajemství a objevů.
  • Dostupnost a obsah se může lišit v závislosti na lokalitÄ› a distribučních kanálech. Prosím, zkontrolujte u místních prodejců nebo u vydavatele nejpÅ™esnÄ›jší informace.

    Chapter one
    The four-coach stagecoach stopped and called to its two passengers from
    the carriage: "Palace Hotel, Ute City, terminus, please!"
    "In those twenty-five years, the town hasn't changed at all," said the passenger,
    an elderly man with broad shoulders and a thunderous build. He had a
    thick reddish beard, blue eyes, and a big nose. "Ute hasn't changed at all!"
    "I think, papa, I'll like it here," said the girl. She was one or
    twenty-two years old, slender and delicate. Her dust-coat could not
    conceal her quite firm bearing, and the blue straw hat did not quite
    conceal the fact that her hair was with a copper tint. Her eyes
    were dark, large, and far apart. An almost classically beautiful face,
    if her nose hadn't been too blunt, upturned, and freckled. "Just look,
    Dad, that mountain over there on the horizon, it looks like would
    be made of smoke!"
    “Yes, it is, Old Smoke, or properly Cerro Gordo. Granite," he
    said, riding his goat.
    Thousands of square miles of grass and undergrowth lay around;
    and there was plenty of water for the cattle. The whole valley is called
    Hailrock. The valley was named after Pat Hailey and Jeff Brock;
    these were the first men who drove herds here and settled here as
    ranchers. There were still Indians around then. When the Indians
    were then driven out, Hailey and Brock split the valley in half and
    cast lots to see which half would get them. Hailey got a portion of the
    land between the Tanaka Mountains and the Rock River and named his
    ranch "Box H." Brock called his ranch "Lone Star" and his share extended
    across the river to the Mormon Mountains. His cattle were marked on
    the left flank with a large five-pointed star.
    Hailey and Brock brought with them a whole pack of wild men who
    knew how to ride horses well, but also drink, fight, fight and shoot profusely. And
    when they were no longer fighting against the Indians, they were looking -
    with whom to fight. And so the hatred between the men of the "Box
    H" ranch and "Lone Star" was born. They stole cattle and shot each other.
    About two years later, Gil Rafferty opened the first inn here. It
    was called "The Long Horn" and it prospered very well.
    Jake Gilstrap, the owner, now ran outside the "Palace Hotel" and greeted the
    "We want the two best rooms you have!"
    "For husbands?"
    "Ho, ho! This is my daughter, don't you recognize it? I'm Pike Rand.
    This is Enid's daughter."
    "My pleasure, lady. What name did you say?"
    “Rand. Pike Rand. I used to live here years ago. Oh, where
    are the times! Cerro Gordo still stands where I left it.”
    “Well,” said Gilstrap, I, when I came
    into this valley - there was
    a valley instead of that mountain. That's how long I've been here! But
    come in.”

    The girl wrote on the guest sheet in her nice neat handwriting:
    Pike Rand, Miss Enid Rand, California.
    "If you'll excuse me, I'll go check on your rooms. They hadn't been
    inhabited since the Mormon bishop from Salt Lake lived here,
    which was four months ago. Could there be a scorpion in the bed or
    a couple of lizards. "Date, have you
    ever slept with a snake in your bed?"
    I am a beautiful big snake always as a bedfellow. It was
    the best snake I've ever had!!"
    "And I once fell in love with a scorpion."
    Pike Rand now said: "I once drove from home - from, Box H'
    - namely - and saw -
    Gilstrap opened his mouth, “You mean you used to ride here at the Box
    H' Ranch? I thought you were at least a millionaire or the new Mormon
    “Yes, twenty-five years ago I used to brand cattle here at, Box
    H'. Is old Pat still here?”
    “Of course. It's not even half an hour since he walked around to the Long
    “Thunder! So I have to see him. Enid, dear, stay here and wait for them
    to make up your room. Why, that rascal doesn't know me!"
    He stormed out of the hotel. Gilstrap looked after Rand and then said,
    “Is this hulk really your dad? No offense, miss." "But of course;
    that's just the impression papa makes. But he's nice."
    "I'm glad. Will you be living here for a while?"
    "I think so. It looks like we're going to like it here permanently," said
    the girl.
    The hotelier took a chair, sat down next to the girl, and said: "I would
    like it somehow, miss, if you didn't stay long in this country."
    "It is too rough and rugged a country for such a delicate girl."
    “But, Mr. Gilstrap, I'm used to a rough life. We were now in the
    absolute wilderness of California."
    "I wonder. You look like you fell out of a blue moon, so
    sweet and soft. But you probably can't do that: ride a horse and

    The girl gave a ringing, merrily laugh and said: "But yes, I can
    dit and shoot!"
    "I wonder. You look like the ladies from the pictures in the Sunday
    papers. And listen, your father is Pike Rand, nicknamed Roaring
    "Yes, they call him that?"
    “He shouldn't have brought you here with him. I'll tell you. There will
    be a big cut here. Winn Brock, that's old Brock's son, is running for sheriff.
    If he wins, it will be a terrible war between Box H'a and Lone Star. Winn
    he says that when he's sheriff, he'll sweep this nest out and drive out all the brawlers and
    pickpockets and put all the decent people in here."
    ..And you're on his side, see, sir?"
    "Well, I have to be all right. I'm on his side and the
    other side. This is Dave Buckner.”

Product Specifics

Condition: Pre-owned: Good
Barcode: (EAN-13)
Width: 21cm
Height: 0.4cm
Length: 30cm
Weight: 0.2kg

Additional Information

Seller location:Brno, 61800, Czechia
Shipping conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, International shipping

Payment methods: PayPal, Bitcoin, Other Crypto (contact seller or check description)

Auction started: 2024-12-23 07:12
Auction ends: 2025-03-23 07:12
Auction ID: 3370

Item category: All > Books & Ebooks > Entertainment

Second Category: All > Comics, Cards & Sci-Fi > General