Feb 22, 2025 21:03:46
Dobroduzny Weekend Issue 30
Auction type: Buy Now Only
Quantity Available: 1
Seller location: Czechia
Ends within: 27 days, 10 hours
(2025-03-22 07:58)
Postage: Free - Standard inland: 3 to 7 days
Estimated Delivery Date: Mon 3rd of March - Fri 7th of March
International shipping: 0.00 GBP - International Standard: 5 - 21 days Ceska posta
Estimated International Delivery Date: Wed 5th of March - Thu 27th of March
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£10.91 GBP Buy Now

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Item description

Dobroduzny Weekend Issue 30

This copy of Dobroduzny Weekend Issue 30 is in very good condition. Please note that there are some light marks and scuffs, but overall, the magazine is in fantastic condition. Refer to the provided pictures for a visual representation.

In this issue, readers will find a captivating narrative titled "Under the Banners of the Foreign Legion" by J.D. Newsom. The story follows Mr. Donald Masterson's farewell banquet, where he is honored for his distinguished service. Amidst the celebration, Masterson reflects on his experiences studying the famous Foreign Legion in North Africa and the impact of his forthcoming report on dispelling misconceptions about the legion. With engaging storytelling and vivid descriptions, Issue 30 offers readers a glimpse into the world of international intrigue and honor.

Tato kopie čísla 30 časopisu Dobroduzny Weekend je ve velmi dobrém stavu. Upozorňujeme, že jsou zde lehké známky a odÄ›rky, ale celkovÄ› je časopis ve fantastickém stavu. Pro vizuální reprezentaci se prosím odkazujte na poskytnuté obrázky.

V tomto čísle čtenáÅ™i naleznou poutavý pÅ™íbÄ›h nazvaný "Pod prapory Cizinecké legie" od J.D. Newsoma. PÅ™íbÄ›h sleduje loučení pana Donalda Mastersona na slavnostní hostinÄ›, kde je poctÄ›n za své vynikající služby. UprostÅ™ed oslav se Masterson zamýšlí nad svými zkušenostmi se studiem slavné Cizinecké legie v Severní Africe a dopadem svého pÅ™ipravovaného zprávy na rozptýlení mýtů o legii. S poutavým vyprávÄ›ním a živými popisy nabízí číslo 30 čtenářům pohled do svÄ›ta mezinárodního intrik a cti.

Product Specifics

Condition: Pre-owned: Good
Barcode: (EAN-13)
Width: 21cm
Height: 0.4cm
Length: 30cm
Weight: 0.2kg

Additional Information

Seller location:Brno, 61800, Czechia
Shipping conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, International shipping

Payment methods: PayPal, Bitcoin, Other Crypto (contact seller or check description)

Auction started: 2024-12-22 07:58
Auction ends: 2025-03-22 07:58
Auction ID: 3360

Item category: All > Books & Ebooks > Entertainment

Second Category: All > Comics, Cards & Sci-Fi > General