Dec 3, 2024 17:17:24
"Dobroduzny Weekend" číslo 22 - Cowboy román ve velmi dobrém stavu
Auction type: Buy Now Only
Quantity Available: 1
Seller location: Czechia
Ends within: 18 days, 11 hours
(2024-12-22 04:43)
Postage: Free - Standard inland: 3 to 7 days
Estimated Delivery Date: Wed 11th of December - Tue 17th of December
International shipping: 0.00 GBP - International Standard: 5 - 21 days Ceska posta
Estimated International Delivery Date: Fri 13th of December - Mon 6th of January
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£10.91 GBP Buy Now

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  • Member since 15/10/2018
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Item description

"Dobroduzny Weekend" číslo 22 - Cowboy román ve velmi dobrém stavu

This magazine is available only in Czech language. The translated descriptions provided are for the listing only.

This copy of "Dobroduzny Weekend" Issue 22 features a captivating cowboy novel in very good condition. Please note that there are some light marks and scuffs on the cover, but the magazine is otherwise in fantastic condition. Check the pictures for a visual representation.

Summary of Contents: In this issue, readers will dive into the gripping cowboy novel "Rode Robert: Dangerous Land." Set against the backdrop of the June dusk transforming into nighttime darkness, the story follows a horseman racing across the mountains toward Willow Vista Ranch. As secrets, dangers, and suspense unfold, readers are transported into a world of cowboy adventure and frontier drama.


Popis: Tento výtisk časopisu "Dobroduzny Weekend" číslo 22 pÅ™ináší poutavý cowboy román ve velmi dobrém stavu. Upozorňujeme, že na obálce mohou být lehké známky a odÄ›rky, ale časopis je jinak v fantastickém stavu. Vizuální reprezentaci naleznete v pÅ™iložených obrázcích.

Souhrn obsahu: V tomto čísle se čtenáÅ™i ponoÅ™í do poutavého cowboy románu "Rode Robert: Nebezpečná zemÄ›." Odehrávající se na pozadí červnového soumraku pÅ™echázejícího v noční temnotu, pÅ™íbÄ›h sleduje jezdce, který závodí pÅ™es hory smÄ›rem k ranči Willow Vista. Jak se odhalují tajemství, nebezpečí a napÄ›tí, čtenáÅ™i jsou pÅ™eneseni do svÄ›ta dobrodružství kovbojů a dramatu hranice.

Product Specifics

Condition: Pre-owned: Good
Barcode: (EAN-13)
Width: 21cm
Height: 0.4cm
Length: 30cm
Weight: 0.2kg

Additional Information

Seller location:Brno, 61800, Czechia
Shipping conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, International shipping

Payment methods: PayPal, Bitcoin, Other Crypto (contact seller or check description)

Auction started: 2024-09-23 06:43
Auction ends: 2024-12-22 04:43
Auction ID: 3355

Item category: All > Books & Ebooks > Entertainment

Second Category: All > Comics, Cards & Sci-Fi > General