Feb 22, 2025 21:01:53
Dobroduzny Weekend číslo 24
Auction type: Buy Now Only
Quantity Available: 1
Seller location: Czechia
Ends within: 27 days, 10 hours
(2025-03-22 07:39)
Postage: Free - Standard inland: 3 to 7 days
Estimated Delivery Date: Mon 3rd of March - Fri 7th of March
International shipping: 0.00 GBP - International Standard: 5 - 21 days Ceska posta
Estimated International Delivery Date: Wed 5th of March - Thu 27th of March
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£10.91 GBP Buy Now

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  • Member since 15/10/2018
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Item description

Dobroduzny Weekend číslo 24

This copy of Dobroduzny Weekend Issue 24 is in very good condition, with some light marks and scuffs that do not detract from its overall fantastic condition. Please refer to the provided pictures for a visual representation.

In this issue, readers will find an engaging narrative set amidst the vast landscapes of a grass-filled region. The story revolves around two individuals who fail to connect amidst the bustling Pink Hacienda courtyard, highlighting cultural diversity and interpersonal conflicts.

Additionally, the narrative delves into rancher Tomas Mackary's ambitions to expand his territory and his ongoing feud with his neighbor Sims. Amidst these conflicts, the story also introduces Lem McPhail, a character grappling with his own sense of identity and purpose.

Through vivid storytelling and rich characterization, Issue 24 offers readers a captivating glimpse into the lives and conflicts of individuals in the American West.

Tato kopie čísla 24 časopisu Dobroduzny Weekend je ve velmi dobrém stavu, s lehkými známkami a odÄ›rkami, které neodvádí od jejího celkového fantastického stavu. Pro vizuální reprezentaci se prosím odkazujte na poskytnuté obrázky.

V tomto čísle čtenáÅ™i naleznou angažující pÅ™íbÄ›h zasazený do rozlehlých krajin plných trávy. PÅ™íbÄ›h se točí kolem dvou jedinců, kteÅ™í nedokážou navázat spojení uprostÅ™ed rušného dvora Pink Hacienda, zdůrazňující kulturní rozmanitost a mezilidské konflikty.

KromÄ› toho se pÅ™íbÄ›h zabývá ambicemi ranchera Tomase Mackaryho rozšíÅ™it své území a jeho trvajícím sporem se sousedem Simsem. UprostÅ™ed tÄ›chto konfliktů pÅ™íbÄ›h také pÅ™edstavuje Lema McPhaila, postavu, která se potýká se svým vlastním smyslem identity a účelu.

Skrze živý pÅ™íbÄ›h a bohatou charakterizaci číslo 24 nabízí čtenářům poutavý pohled do životů a konfliktů jednotlivců na americkém ZápadÄ›.

Product Specifics

Condition: Pre-owned: Good
Barcode: (EAN-13)
Width: 21cm
Height: 0.4cm
Length: 30cm
Weight: 0.2kg

Additional Information

Seller location:Brno, 61800, Czechia
Shipping conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, International shipping

Payment methods: PayPal, Bitcoin, Other Crypto (contact seller or check description)

Auction started: 2024-12-22 07:39
Auction ends: 2025-03-22 07:39
Auction ID: 3359

Item category: All > Books & Ebooks > Entertainment

Second Category: All > Comics, Cards & Sci-Fi > General