Feb 23, 2025 16:16:31
Golf Etiquette - PDF Ebook - Digital Download - Resale Rights
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Seller location: Czechia
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(2025-03-22 01:20)
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£0.39 GBP Buy Now

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Item description

Golf Etiquette - PDF Ebook - Digital Download - Resale Rights

Finally, the nitty-gritty guide revealed by the pro showing you the full insights of secret strategies & techniques on how to improve your golf game for fun & profit! You're about to discover the secret techniques on how to perfect your golf game for higher score & it works even on your virtual golf game experience!

Golf is an excellent game with a simple objective, that is to drive the ball into the hole. But as simple as this objective is, many peoples find it is not that easy or simple to be a champion nor playing to get their best score. Except you know what it takes to be a pro golfer.

Being a pro golfer begins in the mind. You have to believe in yourself and believe you are capable of being a master of the game. This may look insignificant but it's very true. It has been discovered that people who believe in themselves in sports and other endeavors in life do better than others who are plagues by self doubt , low self esteem and lack of self confidence. So your journey to being a master golfer has to start in your mind.

Do you believe you can do it?

If you do, the initial setbacks and obstacles that come with learning new things or mastering a game will not deter you from your goal of being a pro golfer.

I am sure by now you would like to learn how to play a great game of golf or play a better game of golf. The interest of golfing has seen an incredible rise in popularity over the past few decades, and that popularity continues to grow until today. There are so many resorts, vacation packages and even housing developments built around incredible golf courses to help peoples getting started on their golfing experience.

Today, Many golfers find that once they start to play the game it becomes much more than a simple pastime, it becomes an obsession. Millions of people around the world are fans of the sport, and beginners and seasoned athletes alike often ask the same question. "How can I improve my golf swing?"

For beginners learning to get a better swing usually involves reviewing the fundamentals and incorporating the correct equipment. Not only that, you also really need to understand the golf industry, and more importantly, the changes that are taking place within the game of golf.

So, how to overcome this problem and how am i able to quickly learn the fundamentals about golf?

That's right, I am about to show you the definitive guide with secret strategies on how to perfect your golf game, get a much higher score and choosing the right clubs in the shortest possible time!

This book is being written with the full insight about golf and it's unrevealed the right way and secret techniques to help you getting started to swing the ball on the green the easy way.

Product Specifics

Condition: 0
Barcode: (EAN-13)
Width: 0cm
Height: 0cm
Length: 0cm
Weight: 0kg

Additional Information

Seller location:CZ, 61800, Czechia
Shipping conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, International shipping

Payment methods: PayPal

Auction started: 2024-12-22 01:20
Auction ends: 2025-03-22 01:20
Auction ID: 3112

Item category: All > Books & Ebooks > Sports, Hobbies & Games > Golf