Warning! While the internet marketing niche is becoming more & more crowded every ticking minute, so are your chances of succeeding online! Read on to learn how you can still make it big time online by tapping into super hot niches with super less competition! Discover how to make an absolute fortune finding & filling super profitably hot niches on the internet... from the comfort of your home!
Know who Soichiro Honda is? If you don't, then here's something you can learn from him when it comes to Niche Marketing: Soichiro Honda was always interested in learning about new technology. He read trade magazines, taught himself welding and experimented with many things.
When the piston rings he made and manufactured were not up to Industrial standards, he returned to University. Every morning, he attended classes and as soon as class ended, he raced to his workshop and applied what he had learned.
His piston rings gradually improved in quality and in time, he earned the reputation for producing excellent piston rings.
Honda also predicted that oil supplies wouldn't last forever so he made small cars. As predicted, the oil crisis saw his "prophecy" came true. While many car manufacturers were suffering from the crisis as the general population became more savvy with the little oil they had, small Honda cars that were the misers in oil consumption became the darlings of motorists.
You see, the word niche is defined as "a special area of demand for a product or service" and marketing as "the opportunity to buy or sell".
If you put the two words together, Niche Marketing means buying or selling a product or service in a special area of demand.
Not only did Soichiro Honda made his wealth through selling small vehicles, he was recognized as a pioneer in the auto-industries in a short period of time following his huge success, all this simply owing to 2 Niche Marketing success ingredients:
Find a problem, and then
Find a solution!
You can do the same, too, especially if you want to succeed and make your wealth online. There are plenty of demands and unresolved problems to be tapped into and profit from. And the best part is that you don't have to necessarily be a pioneer. In fact, you can just be innovative by perfecting an existing solution!
Seller location:CZ, 61800, Czechia
Shipping conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, International shipping Payment methods: Bank Transfer, PayPal, Bitcoin Auction started: 2025-02-17 13:15 Auction ends: 2025-05-18 14:15 Auction ID: 3083 Item category: All > Books & Ebooks > Business, Finance & Law > Sales & Marketing > Sales Techniques |