Feb 23, 2025 04:46:33
Online Marketer Cheat Sheet - Master Resale Rights - PDF Ebook - Instant Download
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Online Marketer Cheat Sheet - Master Resale Rights - PDF Ebook - Instant Download

Transform your online business fortunes overnight with fifty no cost, hassle-free shortcuts to online business success! (some people call them cheap, some people call them cheats, but to be honest, when you save over $40,000 & seven years of experimenting we don't really mind what they're called)

There comes a time in every online marketers life, when things just go *click*, and everything falls into place, and let me tell you, from my seven years experience, it happens very, very quickly.

Mostly when you're not expecting it, that's when it happens...

Think of all your frustrations

And the bazillions of delays

And the countless late nights

And bitter disappointments

Suddenly these things are totally gone from your life... almost like magic.

All of that misery is completely gone.

Just like that!

How on earth do you reach that wonderful stage though? Well, before I show you that, I just want to point out a few things. The magic moment has some drawbacks, nothing is ever that easy as every one of us already knows. All the usual stuff people don't want to hear.

To get there it takes time, and it takes money. Two things that personally, I'd rather keep than spend on mindless guesswork (which is what most marketers are doing right now).

The thing about this 'moment' though, is that there isn't just one of them. In fact, there's several, and they all appear one after the other.
For some people it only takes a month, for some a year, and for some I know, it's been seven years and they're still trying to succeed...
In fact, one of them messaged me on MSN a few weeks back and said: "Sigh, my new site failed again. Barely any visits. I spent loads setting it up too. Any advice for an old buddy?"

Well, as it happens, I told him: "I have about fifty little pieces of advice and suggestions, but I'd have to sit down and write you a book about it" followed by a little smiley sticking its tongue out. (Obviously, I was kidding him a bit...)

"Alright, great!", he messages me back.

Now, that I definitely wasn't expecting! But, the more I thought about it...

Ah what the heck, I needed a new project anyway. So I got busy and wrote it all out. When I finished it, I needed a tester. He was the perfect subject, and he heartily agreed to it, and from what he told me later, it went down 'rather well' to put it mildly.

I'd actually love to repeat what he said here while feeling the excited high of his first major sales, but it could offend some of the more sensitive-natured visitors. So instead, why not take a look at what was in it for yourself?

Product Specifics

Condition: 0
Barcode: (EAN-13)
Width: 0cm
Height: 0cm
Length: 0cm
Weight: 0kg

Additional Information

Seller location:CZ, 61800, Czechia
Shipping conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, International shipping

Payment methods: Bank Transfer, PayPal, Bitcoin

Auction started: 2025-02-17 09:20
Auction ends: 2025-05-18 10:20
Auction ID: 3078

Item category: All > Books & Ebooks > Business, Finance & Law > Sales & Marketing > Web Marketing